The Gift of a LifeTime .............................................Call to Order 1.800.675.6000 .....
Products designed to honor someone special

Honor Has someone made an impact on your life? Show them how much they mean to you. Honor them with a Tribute poster or video.

There is a true story not sure about all the details but it's basically about a group of 40 high school students, and in particular one boy who we'll call Johnny. These students for the most part attended the same school since kindergarten. They are now seniors. One day, everyone was having one of those days. The students were in a bad mood which was unusual for them. It was a Friday, the weather I think was gray and chilly and no one seemed to be paying attention to the lesson. So the teacher who is a Nun, we'll call her Sister Ann decided to do something very unique. She stopped the lesson for the day, and said, "Take out a piece of paper and write each of your fellow classmates' names. After each name, write their best qualities. Let us also pray for each other." The students were very focused and proceeded to do as the teacher directed. At the end of the class, Sister Ann said that she would compose all the information onto a roster with each students name and the characteristics their fellow students evaluated. On Monday she read them to the class, posted them, and gave each individual student their own evaluation by their fellow students. Johnny, though he was shy, was one of the nicest young men. He couldn't believe what nice things everyone said about him. Everybody said, Johnny was a true gentleman, always kind and courteous, as well as fun to be around, brave, and a good example. This really touched Johnny's heart.

After graduation, Johnny was drafted into the army. He went to Vietnam and was well liked for his kindness, courage, and honor. After a period of time he was killed in action. At the funeral there were many former students as well as fellow soldiers attending. Some of Johnny's fellow soldiers noticed a Nun in the crowd. They approached her and respectfully asked, "Are you Sister Ann?" She surprisingly confirmed that she was, and asked, "How did you know my name?" They said that Johnny talked about you a lot and he kept the paper with all the characteristics that you did in class that one day years ago. He had it folded in his wallet. They said that it meant a lot to him.

Whether a tribute poster or a video biography, the Gift of a Lifetime can,
by God's Grace, have a similar impact.

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